Author: Morten Hanson
7 Habits
- Explain 66% of variation in performance
- Do less, then obsess
- More task ≠ more accomplishment and better performance
- Focus is half the equation, obsession is the other half
- Multitasking requires extra coordination and task switching effort
- Obsession can be a productive force
- Tip: Devise tactics ahead of time to resist temptations
- Redesign your work
- Working longer hours enhances performance to a point before dropping
- Redesign is about outside-in view of value → Value others are benefiting from
- 5 ways
- Reduce low value activities
- Increase high value activities
- Find new high value activities
- Improve Quality
- Increase efficiency
- Don't just learn, loop
- Aim for deliberate practice
- Use actual work as learning opportunities (not isolated practice)
- More frequent,shorter practice
- Informal, rapid feedback
- Learning loop
- [Do → Measure → Feedback → Modify] ~ Repeat
- Tactics
- 15 minutes only
- Chunking
- Measure "soft" behaviours - KPI
- Get fast feedback
- Dig the dip
- Confront the stall point
- Passion and Purpose
- Key is to match passion and purpose - what you can do and what you can contribute
- Together, provides you more energy to channel into work → More energy per hour of work
- Passion: Joy of task, enjoying success, creative energy, enthusiasm from others, enjoy learning
- Purpose: new role, reframe meaning
- Forceful Champions
- 3 Key Areas
- Advocacy
- Teamwork
- Collaboration
- Appeal to both rational and emotional
- Skills
- Inspired others
- Grit and perseverance
- Fight and Unite
- Team's work depends highly on how well people debate issues and how full they commit to decisions
- Constructive conflict
- Seek diversity
- Come prepared
- Get everyone to speak
- Fostering unity
- The Two Sins of Collaboration
- Disciplined collaboration
- Ask why collaborate?
- Craft unifying goal that excites and lifts over selfish agendas
- Reward for collaboration results, not activities
- Devote full resources to collab else scale back
- Tailor trust boosters