Author: A.G. Lafley, Roger L. Martin
Strategy is the answer to 5 interrelated questions
- What is your winning aspiration?
- Purpose of enterprise
- Guiding Aspiration
- Need to be defined and tied to specific benchmarks to measure progress
- Where will you play?
- Competing area - geography, product category, consumer segment, channel, stages of production
- Define scope of activities
- Choosing where to play and where not to play
- Temptations
- Failing to choose
- Trying to buy your way out of an unattractive game
- Accepting status quo or existing choices
- How will you win?
- Value proposition
- Competitive Advantage
- Should be considered along with where will you play
- What capabilities must be in place?
- Reinforcing activities
- Specific configuration
- What management systems are required?
- Systems, structures and measure to support
Strategies in large companies can be cascading