The Five Forces
- Rivals
- Suppliers
- Buyers
- Threat of Substitution
- Threat of Entry
- Used to analyse industry
- For a structure analysis of the forces affecting any industry and thus any company
- If any other "force" lies outside, it is probably part of one or more of the five
- Always assess how the power of each force is changing the profit or cost of the firm or the industry
- Example Application
- Deciding entry
- Analysing strategic moves to focus on
- Look at what is happening in the industry
- Look for less direct "moves" against competition
- Assess future threats
- Powerful buyers force prices down or demand more value
- More powerful if
- Undifferentiated
- Expensive related to other costs or income
- Inconsequential to own performance
- Powerful suppliers have leverage to charge higher prices or more favourable terms
- More powerful if
- Large and concentrated relative to a fragmented industry (Goliath vs davids)
- Industry needs them more than they need the industry
- Switching costs in their favour
- Differentiation in their favour
- Credible threat of vertical integration