Subject: VCEF
Chapter 6 (6.2,6.3,6.3,6.4,6.5) + Entre strategies (end of chap 6)
Two aspects that determine 70% of portfolio performance
- Deal Sourcing
- Deal Screening
Principal-Agent Problem
When one entity makes decisions on behalf of the other
Problem: Differing interests and asymmetric information
Asymmetric Information
- Entrepreneurs likely to present optimistic estimates and withhold negative information
- Startup might not know reasons of interest of investors
Adverse Selection
- Market failure due to information asymmetry
- Entrepreneurs may oversell merits and viability to secure more favourable valuation
Opportunistic & Overoptimistic behaviour
- Manipulation and misjudgement of outcomes
- Pre-nego
- Signalling
- Claims of positive future development (hockey stick chart)
- Self selection
- VC proposes different deals for entrepreneur to self select based on risk tolerance and expected outcome
- Post-nego
- Bonding
- Arrangements to penalise agent for violating interests of principal, or reward for achieving goals
- Eg. Staging of an investment deal
- Monitoring
- Observing behaviour of agent
Generating investment opportunities
- Typical sources: Previous invested entrepreneurs, referrals, referral from existing portfolio founder, friend of VC, known professionals, support orgs / hubs, other investors
Investment Strategy
- Size
- Ticket size to justify effort of staging and monitoring deal, good return
- Related to size of portfolio and # of companies invested
- Diversification
- Control uncertainty and reduce unsystematic risk
- Choice between more diversification and specialisation to build network
- Industry
- Stage of Development
- Geography