Subject: VCEF
Textbook Chapter 7
Financial Plan: Forecasting
- Importance of financial planning to entrepreneur
- Help assess how much and when cash is needed for business
- Help determine pursuing venture, change biz model or pivot → Examine viability
- Conduct scenario and sensitivity analysis
- Worst case and best cast (super growth) scenario
- Help determine key underlying assumptions
- Marketing tool to convince investors
- Most important part of the financial plan is cash forecast or pro-forma cash flow statement
- However, P&L or Income statement needs to be forecasted first
- Financial plan should go as a minimum, until next investment round
- Steps for forecasting
- Revenue Forecast
- Level of attainable sales given market demand and resources
- Price * Quantity
- Quantity can be determined top-down or bottom up
- Top-Down: Start with Total Available Market (TAM) and forecast market capture
- Bottom-Up: Start with serviceable available market (SAM), then find Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), then assess time to revenue gen
- Take into account: Sales funnel, selling capacity of channels, speed of operation scaling, CAC, CLV
- Other Op Expenses
- R&D
- S&M
- G&A
- Cash Flow: FCF
- Based on EBIT and working capital policy + CAPEX
- Cash from Op
- Cash from Invest
- Ending Cash before financing activities
- Beginning Cash
- Cash Balance
- Uses of Financial Plan
- Assess viability of business
- Assess burn rate
- Setting Price on shares → Valuation
- Develop Fundraising Strategy
- 6-9 months before
- With some cushion for safety
- Relationship with investors should be built ongoing
- Requires intense time and energy during fundraising time
- Dealing with uncertainty
- Sensitivity Analysis - impact to model by change of one assumption
- Scenario Analysis - different options in biz model and expansion strategy
- Cash consumption rate = Cash Burn Rate
- Cash usage determines "runway" of time before running out of cash
- Runway should be higher than 6 months at all times
- Valley of death = time taken until positive cash flow generation
- Wise to anticipate safety cushion in fundraising (above forecasted)